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2025 Safety Day!
May 31st, 2025
Progressive Agriculture SAFETY DAY for KIDS ®
Presented by: Durham Farm & Rural Family Resources
A fun filled morning of learning for children & youth ages 5-15 years old. Whether you live on a farm or like to visit friends and family on the farm – this day is for YOU!
Topics for demonstrations and discussions include*:
Firearms Safety
WATER Safety
Tractor Safety
Electrical Safety
*Topics are subject to change*
REgistration info:
Complete the Release and Consent Form OR scroll down to register online.
E-transfer your registration fees to onfarm@durhamfamilyresources.org (e-transfer password: ONFARM) by May 24th
*Event code: 25-1329
What’s included in your registration fee?
Safety day includes lunch, snacks, T-shirt, and a take-home “goody” bag. Please register by May 15th. Space is limited to the first 120 registrants.
Don’t forget:
After submitting your registration form, please e-transfer your registration fees ($10/participant or $20/family) to onfarm@durhamfamilyresources.org (e-transfer password: ONFARM) by May 15th
Participant release and consent form:
Your child will be participating in a Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® (PAF Safety Day) taking place at Port Perry Fairgrounds on May 31st, 2025 (9:00AM-1:00PM).
Safety Day Code: 25-1329
Recognized as the largest safety and health education program for children in North America, the purpose of the PAF Safety Day is to teach children ways to stay safe and healthy on farms, ranches, and in rural communities through participation in a variety of age-appropriate, hands-on experiences.
Throughout your child’s participation in the PAF Safety Day, safety will remain a top priority. Barriers will be in place to keep children a safe distance from any demonstrations involving animals, equipment, etc. Additionally, safety rules and requirements will be addressed and enforced, and participants will be closely supervised by Safety Day instructors, group leaders, and other volunteers. Safety stations may be held both indoors and outdoors, so we recommend dressing your child appropriately for weather conditions and wearing closed-toe shoes.
Josie Linton/Karen Barkey is the local PAF Safety Day Coordinator. If you have any questions about the program or your child’s participation, please contact us directly at email: onfarm@durhamfamilyresources.org or phone: (705) 341-4747.
We’d appreciate your feedback! If your child returns home from the PAF Safety Day sharing the safety and health tips they learned with family and friends, or adopts safer or healthier practices around the farm, ranch or at home, we would love to hear more about it. Please e-mail any comments, stories or pictures you would like to share with us at safetyday@progressiveag.org. Reference and include the Safety Day Code listed on the top right-hand corner of this page in the e-mail’s subject line. To learn more about the PAF Safety Day program, please visit our website at www.progressiveag.org.
Online registration FORM
Safety Day Code 25-1329
Interested in volunteering?
If you’re interested in volunteering, please review and complete the volunteer form. We thank you for your time!
2024 Fall Harvest Fundraiser
We have teamed up again with our friends at Forsythe Farms to bring you our annual Fall Harvest Fundraiser! We are thrilled to offer local and seasonal produce bags filled with fresh and delicious goodies from the farm. With purchase of a bag comes access to enjoy all the farm has to offer!

Beauty and the Beast- Fun and Interactive Family Show!
Join Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources for a performance of Beauty & the Beast in support of family programming in Uxbridge and Brock!

2024 Safety Day!
A fun filled morning of learning for children & youth ages 5-15 years old. Whether you live on a farm or like to visit friends and family on the farm – this day is for YOU!

2023 Snow White Performance
Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources (DFRFR) is once again partnering with Forsythe Family Farms to present our annual fundraising event for the whole family.
Join us for an interactive and family-friendly performance of Snow White brought to you by The Dufflebag Theatre Company of Toronto.