OnFarm Childcare
An essential part of our commitment to addressing the ongoing incidence of injury to children at local farm workplaces.
Flexible & Skilled childcare during the peak farming season.
In 1988, our organization was founded to address the rising incidence of injury to children being taken into local farm workplaces. Currently, we provide farm families in North Durham with flexible and skilled childcare during the peak farming season. Our experienced childcare supports we provide have become an important service to our local farm families.
The goal of the OnFarm Childcare program is to reduce the incidence of injury and death to children and adults in the agriculture workplace.

Please read!
Print and keep this document for your records
To register for the OnFarm Childcare Program please:
01. Read the linked documents
02. Complete the online registration form
03. Send your $25 Registration Fee via e-transfer to onfarm@durhamfamilyresources.org. (Password: onfarm)
Please note: This fee covers the general membership fee and OnFarm registration fee for the year. The Membership year is April 1st – March 31st
online Registration
Please ensure you have read and understand the documents above before registering. We look forward to meeting you!
Privacy Policy: Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources is committed to protecting personal information by following responsible information handling practices in dealing with privacy laws. We collect and use personal data to satisfy government and regulatory obligations, to ensure the safety of children in our care, to better meet your needs and to inform you about DFRFR programs. For more information about DFRFR’s information handling practices please contact us at (905) 862-3131.
Our OnFarm Program Sponsors
Uxbridge Optimist Club
We would like to extend a humble thank you to The Uxbridge Optimist Club for their generous donation towards our On Farm Program. The Uxbridge Optimist Club is an integral part of the community – with their support for many youth programs, community projects and their famous “Fantasy of Lights” display we are honoured to receive this donation from them. THANK YOU OPTIMIST CLUB!
Bethesda Reach Women’s Institute – our Founders
At the 2019 Progressive Agricultural Safety Day we were pleased to have 2 members of the Bethesda Reach Women’s Institute attend and present DFRFR with a cheque for $500.00. We are so grateful that the members of the Bethesda Reach Women’s Institute group who founded our organization over 30 years ago continue to support the On Farm Childcare Program.
Pictured here are Barbara Weese & Corrine Croxall
100 Women Who Care – Uxbridge
The Board of Directors, staff & users of the DFRFR OnFarm Childcare Program would like to say a huge and heart felt thank you to the ladies of 100 Women Who Care in Uxbridge. We are so grateful to have been chosen as a recipient of your generosity.
Thanks for all the wonderful work you do in our community!
Hydro one – our Founders
This year, we were set back beyond words when we heard the great news - we were one of the recipients for this year’s Hydro One Energizing Life Community Fund!
With the help from Hydro One, we were able to operate our On Farm program to local farming families and provide free child care this season. As the Child Care crisis continues to rise, our program aligns with Hydro One’s mission to focus on the physical, psychological and emotional safety of Ontarians.
With their help, we were able to continue offering child care to keep kids safe on the farm.
Blog: Durham On-Farm Care (hydroone.com)
Video: Energizing Life Community Fund 2024 Recipient: Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources - YouTube