Links & Resources
Here are some links and resources we found to help families in and around Durham Region.
Helpful Links
The YMCA is the largest not-for-profit Child Care provider in Canada. With 50+ years of experience and over 290 licensed programs throughout the Greater Toronto Area, the Y offers high-quality programs for infants, toddlers, preschool and school-aged children.
Durham Region
This site will take you to the many services offered by the Region of Durham
Safe Kids Canada
Information about injury prevention from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario
Township of Uxbridge
Corporation of Uxbridge
Durham Region Baby
Durham Region Baby is a local blog and resource site for parents, including local business, product and website reviews, a frequent newsletter and our wildly successful Photo Friday contests. Updated daily!
Government Links
Canadian Child Care Federation
Hosted by the Canadian Childcare Federation, this site has an extensive list of links for both parents and for professionals working with children.
Provides up to date health and safety information for Ontario farmers
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
A new website offering one-window access to information about provincially-funded services for children, youth and their families in Ontario.
More Resources
Finding Quality Child Care
This website provides information for parents in Canada looking for quality child care that’s affordable and meets the needs of their families. Find out why it’s hard to find good child care, about child care options in each province and territory, general information about child care in Canada, what the best evidence says about quality, and how to improve your chances of accessing high-quality child care.
Healthy Baby, Healthy Brain
This website will help you support your baby’s brain development.
Best Start
Ontario’s Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre
Today's Parent
This site has a guide to stages of development and a great search engine that will take you to articles on a wide range of parenting topics such as behaviour issues, toilet training, safety, balancing work/parenting and a lot more…
Caring for Kids
This site is hosted by the Canadian Paediatric Society and has fantastic information for parents about childhood illnesses, what parents should do when their child is sick, development, immunization, special needs and even finding a doctor.